Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gingrich Slams Obama, Says Small Business Gaffe Akin To ...

Former Romney primary rival and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich came out swinging yesterday on behalf of the Republican nominee, hitting Obama for his small business gaffe and comparing the president?s misstep to denigrating an Olympic athlete for winning a gold medal.

Speaking Monday at a small electronics store in Arlington, VA, the former presidential candidate hammered President Obama on his now infamous?comment, and compared small business owners to Olympians to stress the?absurdity?of the president?s?ideological?slip.

?You watch the Olympians. I can imagine Obama?s speech saying, ?You didn?t win that gold medal, everybody won the gold medal.? Well, that ain?t how it works. Those Olympians work very hard and long hours. They practice. They learn. They struggle to achieve something. And we honor those who work hard and in America the small business leaders go out and work hard and have been the key to our economy, the key to our future.?

Gingrich, part of Mitt Romney?s ?We Did Build This!? campaign,?which featured 18 events across 12 states, saw fit to set aside his past criticisms of Romney and joined the effort to recognize small businesses and the American entrepreneurial spirit. ??It is very easy to support Governor Romney when the alternative is Barack Obama,? Gingrich said. ?I am very comfortable saying that given that choice, Governor Romney is an enormously better choice for the President of the United States and for the future of the country.?

And the fate of that future, Gingrich said, largely depends on the success of American small businesses.

?Remember,? Gingrich told the cameras and crowd of reporters, ?Steve Jobs started Apple as a small business. Bill Gates started Microsoft as a small business. Henry Ford started Ford as a small business. It is the growth of small business which has made America great and Obama has failed to understand that, which explains why his economic policies are such a disaster.?

Obama is, as Gingrich described, ?so clearly contemptuous of work ethic and American achievement and small business leadership, that the longer this argument goes on, the better it is for Romney and the better for clarifying who Obama really is.?

Who Obama is not, Gingrich explains, is a moderate or a Democrat committed to reform like former President Bill Clinton, who was Gingrich?s political rival in the 1990s.

Gingrich is looking forward to Clinton?s significant role in the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte this September, calling it ?a terrific opportunity for those of us who served with President Clinton to point out that Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton.?

Gingrich continued to?delineate?between Obama and Clinton, stating, ?There is a huge gap between Bill Clinton?s effort to take the Democratic Party to the center and Barack Obama?s effort to take it to the Left. So I think in a funny way, having President Clinton at the Democratic Convention may highlight the difference between the two choices and remind us that Obama really is a failed Left-wing president with high unemployment, high deficits, huge regulatory policies, and a very very bad foreign policy.?

And that?s just in Obama?s first (possibly last?) term.


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