Sunday, August 12, 2012

Matt McMillen with Alarm Security is Inspring Many

You know how they say everything happens for a reason? I?m a true believer in that. I believe that the people that come into our lives were placed there by God. Well not long ago I noticed that a friend on my Facebook page had ?liked? a business page and entered to win an iPad. Of course, I wanted to have a chance to win an iPad for my boys, so I was drawn to check out the page. Little did I know, this page was full of inspiration and stories of how God has touched the lives of this business owner.

The business is Alarm Security and the owner is Matt McMillen. I was shocked when I learned that Matt doesn?t spend his advertising dollars advertising his business like most people. Instead, he spends them giving to others. Now Matt didn?t ask me to write this article about him. As a matter of fact, I was so touched by his generosity and his inspiration stories I read on his page every day have touched me so much that I feel it is my need to tell others about this very kind man.

Matt McMillen and Alarm Security...

Matt resides in a small town in Missouri, called Farmington. He is the owner of a company called Alarm Security and they specialize in home and business security with alarm monitoring and video surveillance. Matt is 31 years old (he just celebrated a birthday) and has been in business since the young age of 19! Not only does he love what he does, but he is really good at what he does. Since the town he lives in is so small, he says that if you do good work, or even bad work, everyone knows about?people talk. Word of mouth is important and Matt feels that any company can spend money on advertising, but no matter how much you advertise, people in a small community like his will buy from you because they like you, and not because your face is all over the highway and your jingle is played on the radio.

What has set Matt apart from other business owners is that he knows that people want to get to know him as a person. As I stated above, Matt prefers to spend his advertising budget helping those in need. He wants to do more with his dollars. Because of Matt?s honestly and love to others, people trust him and his business has grown tremendously.

About Matt?s Childhood?

Matt grew up poor and from a broken home. He has 3 brothers and a sister. Going in and out of foster home was very difficult for all of them. While he could complain about it and talk about how awful it was, he states that he looks back now and realizes that it only brought them all closer together. That?s the thing I really admire about Matt, he is always finding the light in the middle of the darkness. We all need to think more like Matt McMillen. Eventually their Grandmother raised them (from about the age of 12.) This was a blessing for his family as his Grandmother has become his role model. She instilled love, forgiveness and compassion into them.

How the Alarm Security Facebook Page Came About?

As the years went by, Matt?s beautiful wife told him that he needed to start an Alarm Security Facebook Page. He didn?t understand why, but she went on to tell him how easy it is to start and that a lot of companies were doing it. In the summer of 2009, the Alarm Security Facebook page was born. He started by posting security facts and specials they were having. This got a little response, but not a lot, so he spent money on Facebook ads. The ads didn?t really do much. Then one day he had a phone book advertiser ask him, ?What makes you different than any other alarm company?? He proceeded to say this and that, like a sales person would do. Then the lady said, ?No, what makes you stand apart? From everyone else.?? Matt?s answer was simple??ME.? That is the point when he decided to brand himself rather than his company. He wanted people to know about HIM and who he is. People got to know about him and then his company, and that is how it should be.

I look forward to reading Matt?s status updates every day. They inspire me and sometimes even help me get through my day. Be sure to check out his Alarm Security website as well as his Alarm Security Facebook page, where all of his giveaways are held! You won?t want to miss the Build-A-Bear Gift Card Giveaway that is currently running !

Thank you Matt McMillen for all you do!




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