Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tips for Goal Setting and Achieving - Careers and Worklife ...

Americans spend more time writing their grocery list than a list of goals.? Goals are a response to your inner most feelings and cherished hopes.? Setting goals means taking charge of your life.? It also means taking a risk.? When you have goals you have something to look forward to.? They can focus your attention.? Goals help you work toward something.? Without goals, life can get dull, routine and boring rather quickly.? Without desirable and written goals, you run the risk of not reaching your potential.? Getting started is the hardest part, but investing your time will be worth the results.? Once you clearly define your goals, you can then develop a practical and incremental action plan that will help you get there.? Here are some tips to help you navigate the process.

You can begin at any time of the year to stop and reflect on where you have been, where you are now and where you want to go in the future.? In January, I came up with a one page list of my goals.? I didn?t achieve all of them.? Upon review, one of three things happened: 1) Some I achieved ? I was really passionate about these goals., 2) Some I moved into next year?s goals ? I thought these could wait., and 3) Some I dropped entirely ? I really didn?t want to do these after all.? If you reach all of your goals, then you probably set them too low.? If you only reach a few, then you probably set them too high and they were unrealistic.? My rule is that you should try to achieve 80% of the goals you set.? The remaining unachieved 20% may be a result of either a mental block or you didn?t really have it in your heart to do them in the first place.

Research studies suggest that if you write your goals down you are more likely to achieve them.? I would rather have you write down a list of goals and not reach all of them than to not try at all.? The result is you can still learn why you didn?t achieve them and then try again.? When you write down your goals, it?s more likely you will share them with others.? When others find out what you are trying to accomplish, they will want to help.? Goal setting and achieving begins with planning and then execution.


  1. STOP! Start by setting aside just one hour to stop and reflect on the events of the past year.
  2. Write a list of the year?s Wins, Losses, Successes, Failures and Breakthroughs.? Get them out of your head and on to paper!!!
  3. Write a list of the top five to seven lessons that you have learned.? Ask yourself, ?How can I carry these over into the next year??
  4. Capitalize on your strengths; avoid doing the things you dislike (interests) or are not good at (skills).
  5. Weaknesses drain you.? Strengths embolden you.? Focus more of your time on your strengths instead of improving weaknesses.
  6. Ask yourself, ?What do I really really want?? What?s important to me?? Suspend reality and dare to dream for a change.
  7. Imagine ahead one year and write a draft of your short-term and long-term goals as if they have already been accomplished.
  8. Write a one sentence mission statement for your personal life and the second one for your professional life.? Print it out!!!
  9. Write goals for nine areas: Faith, Family, Friends, Finances, Fitness, Fun, Further Learning, Future Career, and Philanthropy.
  10. Avoid making too many major goals which puts you at risk of spreading yourself too thin.
  11. Write a ranking of your goals into three area: 1) Reach/BHAG ? Big Harry Audacious Goals, 2) Realistic, and 3) Safe.
  12. Write your goals into a S.M.A.R.T. formula. They must be Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-Sensitive.
  13. Write a comprehensive plan.? Make lists!!!? They are constant reminders that can prompt you into action.
  14. Post your goals on a Vision Board where you will see them often and where you can review your goals regularly.


  1. Implement your action plan with small action steps.? Start small.? Implement an action so small that it?s impossible to fail.
  2. Break down your plan into Micro-Goals ? daily tasks that must be done to complete something really big.
  3. Everyday do at least one incremental task that will help you reach your weekly goals.? Evaluate at the end of the day and week.
  4. Keep a journal ? write down your dreams, thoughts, feelings, accomplishments, disappointments and action steps.
  5. Involve those around you by sharing with them what you are trying to accomplish.? Identify those that can help you reach them.
  6. Surround yourself with several Accountability Buddies from your Inner Circle of connections.? Hold yourself accountable!
  7. Obtain the support of a trained professional that can help you reach your specific goals.? Get a coach.
  8. Ask for encouragement and inspiration.? Don?t go it alone.
  9. Grow your Circle of Influence each day.? Tap your contacts to help you achieve your goals.? They really do want to help.
  10. Practice Visual Motor Rehearsal (VMR). Each day rehearse in your mind the results you want to achieve for that day.
  11. Congratulate yourself when you achieve ANY victories.? Reward yourself when you hit specific and measurable milestones.
  12. Sharpen your skills to restrain the impulse for your immediate desires in favor of your bigger goals.
  13. Engage in acts of self-control.? Stay hyper-focused, disciplined and committed.
  14. Identify activities that use your strengths.
  15. Track what you do.
  16. Realize that as you strive toward your goals, you will have set backs and lapses.
  17. See all set backs as Learning Lessons.
  18. Review and recommit to your goals on the first of each month.
  19. Let your primary thoughts be of optimism.? Always see the bright side, the positive, the silver lining.
  20. Foucs on abundance not scarcity!

Dr. Tom?s Career Tip: ?The final goal of human effort is man?s self-transformation.? ? Lewis Mumford

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